Paving the Path to a Sustainable Net-Zero Future Have Fun and Learn Happily!
In 2024, the Yilan Green Expo, together with government policy planning, corporate ESG investment, campus USR initiatives, and national SDGs efforts, constructs an "Earth Academy" in Wulaokeng. The academy gathers initiatives and practices from various fields related to sustainability, allowing visitors to have fun and learn happily. We hope that all visitors can explore together, paving the path to a sustainable net-zero future!
The college brings together various fields concerning sustainability, catering to both present needs and future initiatives. It aims to provide a platform where students, faculty, visitors, and tourists can have fun, enjoy learning, and immerse themselves in experiencing a friendly environment. Through leisure activities, they can gain a better understanding of sustainable development.
The college brings together various fields related to sustainability, meeting current and future initiatives and practices. It aims to provide a place where students, teachers, and visitors can enjoy learning and play happily, immersing themselves in experiences that promote environmental friendliness and understanding of sustainable development through leisure and entertainment.
To complete the entire area's real-world puzzle-solving, you must take at least nine thousand steps. And to wear the Academy Cup's crown of answers, you must accumulate at least ten years of effort. It will test your language logic, password guessing, color usage, environmental knowledge, clue exploration, and associative abilities. Good luck!
In the global wave of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) consciousness, private enterprises have gradually begun to focus on environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and corporate governance, which are the core principles of ESG.
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