Department of Plant Tours

達景art 台灣原創藝術家

Sustainable Eco-tourism in Yilan

 16 uploads

Green plants are the primary producers in the Earth's ecosystem. Photosynthesis provides the oxygen necessary for the survival of Earth's organisms. Green plants and fruits provide food for insects and animals, as well as nectar for bees and butterflies, and are also the main source of biomass for human survival. If there were no plants on Earth, not only would the world lose its colorful and vibrant appearance, but humans and other organisms would also lose the essential elements for survival.

The Department of Plant Tours focuses on plants, from rare plants worldwide to the beautiful green plant ecological landscapes unique to Yilan, connecting to the specific goals of global sustainable development SDG8-9 to promote sustainable tourism, create employment, as well as SDG14, SDG15 to protect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, attracting tourists to participate in sustainable tourism and making the world a better place through travel.


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Department of Plant Tours位於園區的位置



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